Tax Transparency in European and International Tax Law

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Tax Transparency in European and International Tax Law

Mercredi 12 juin 2024 - 16:30 au Vendredi 14 juin 2024 - 15:00
Lausanne, Suisse


Tax Transparency is currently one of the main drivers of the global tax conversation in Switzerland, Europe and, more broadly, around the globe. IFA’s 2024 European Region Conference will provide a unique opportunity to debate the topic from a holistic perspective.

The agenda will feature plenary sessions as well as several breakout sessions addressing the policy and practical issues of all categories of stakeholders (MNEs, advisors, intermediaries, etc.).The conference will also dive into the broader aspects triggered by tax transparency, notably the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda as well as the competing concerns such as data protection and taxpayers’ rights.

The speakers will include leading members of international organizations (OECD, European Commission) as well as representatives of academia, business and private practice.

Please find more information about the Conference concept, scientific programme and speakers here.

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